Today’s Society. One apparent and obviously astounding thing in today’s society is the tremendous pressure on the general public to conform to a certain way of thinking and acting. The old fashioned idea of a civilized country where the citizens
Monthly Archives: July 2022
Terror by “Right”
Terror by “Right” The obsessive thrust and drive by the Left for immediate and outrageous Human Rights has as usual turned into another “Human Fright” for the rest of the population.
Saving Canada from Quebec !!!
Saving Canada from Quebec. Western Canada must thrust itself, its activities and concerns, more into the mainstream of Canadian politics and the forming of its directions and politics. The present Quebec framework, its influence on the makeup and direction of
Danger Pay
Danger Pay There is a nasty rumor circulating around Ottawa that the public service employees get paid danger pay. The danger they are afraid of facing is the 80% being asked to do some real work.
Trudeau Friend Or Foe?
Trudeau friend or foe? Is he the destroyer his actions seem to indicate? His divisive polices are apparent. It remains to wonder if they are a result of his stupidity or deliberate planned actions toward some kind of plan he
A Hat For All Seasons.
A Hat for all seasons Our present P.M. is quoted as saying:” People should not be criticized for what they wear on their head.” As a goodwill gesture, perhaps he should wear the good old fashioned cone shaped hat. No