Staying the Course. The Liberals are gathering in a meeting to work out their strategies for the coming years. What else can they do to try and destroy the present country? You got it — stay in power!
Monthly Archives: January 2023
The Difference.
The Difference. People keep asking what is the difference between the political parties in Canada. The answer is simple a simple one. The Conservatives think of the general public as a bunch of intelligent people who use logic and observation
Modern Wonder.
Modern Wonder. Very high inflation, Housing bubble, Absurd Human Rights applications, Broken justice system, Higher taxes, Dissent among the population, Growing resentment among the provinces and still the present P.M. is still in power. Is this situation going to be
The Best Place in the World.
The best place in the world. When watching T.V. you are told time and time again that living in Canada is living in the best place in the world. When you tour around the U.S.A. you are again told you
Repeat this Daily Statement.
Repeat this Daily Statement. The Western World wallowing in their enforced minority rights policies is reaping the confusion and destruction of their society’s functions and values. It is a stark reminder of the old statement we must keep repeating to