The rise and fall of Canada. The publishing industry is in a quandary. They have manuscripts from established writers all on the same subject of the rise and fall of Canada. The industries’ problem is they don’t know how far
The Dark Years
The Dark Ages. Looking at the history of western countries they go through periods of booms and busts, and agonizing periods of hope and desperation. They usually have a period the historians refer to as the country’s Dark Ages. Which
Trudeau’s Trips.
Trudeau’s Trips. It is rumored in halls of Parliament, when Trudeau’s trips are raised in conversations it is not the cost that is the main concern it is the fact that he keeps returning.
Canada today
Canada today. Trudeau is not resigning, still clinging to power. Insists he has lots of more work to do. While he is still clinging — we are still cringing.
Looking after you and the country!
Looking after you and the country. All stuff increasing in price and the governments are silent about any tax relief suggestion of perhaps a slight reduction of the gouging tax {GST}. According to the Fraser Institute latest report the average
Trudeau’s Government Money.
Trudeau’s Government Money. Trudeau keeps spending & spending & spending money here there and everywhere. You shrug, complain but carry on, after all it’s government money and that’s what they do. Now is time you start to realize that this
A Covid casualty
A Covid casualty. In the recent Covid pandemic some people lost their sense of smell or sense of taste. There was something most of us lost at that time and still do. Do you still remember the free coffee refills
Dangerous Waters
To arms Shipmates. The recent polls give the Conservative Party a slight lead in popular support over the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau. Given his destructive policies and his continued approach to the country’s destruction it is an outlandish statement.
Redirect the control
Redirect the control. The Pride Month designation is causing a growing back lash. The extension from one week to one month is an outlandish demonstration of this government’s indifference and control — over the people’s concerns for their children’s education
The Enemy Within?
The Enemy Within? The present P.M. still seems intent on destroying the country’s history and heritage. These actions need some kind of planned result, and this gives a fertile ground for conspiracy theories. One that jumps out, considering his upbringing