Trudeau’s Trips. It is rumored in halls of Parliament, when Trudeau’s trips are raised in conversations it is not the cost that is the main concern it is the fact that he keeps returning.
The Four Boxes
The Four Boxes. The old folks in the old country used to caution us to consider our thought and thinking in one of four general boxes. The boxes are named: 1. Normal 2. Wacky 3. Abnormal 4. Freaky Scary Abnormal
Business Sense.
Business Sense. According to some businesspeople, there are two basic ways of running a business. One where you are in control of running the business, and the other where you have yourself, a union and a union contract running it.
The Times in Your Life.
The times in your life. You have to enjoy the time at the time, you must enjoy your life while it is happening, Savour each precious time together moment. Hug your children and parents, as many times as possible,
Human Rights Crowd.
Human Rights Crowd. It appears that the Human Rights crowd is only concerned with minority rights and completely ignores majority rights. Perhaps it should be renamed the Only Minority Human Rights?
How Much Longer?
How Much Longer? How much longer will Trudeau remain in power in Canada? The West has finally realised what he really wants to do to them. When is Central and East Canada going to wake up to what is
Enjoy the Continual Shafting!
Enjoy the Continual Shafting. Have you ever wondered why the Left inclined political parties never reduce taxes only increase them and keep running deficits. It is a deliberate strategy practiced by them throughout Western countries. They live by taxing everything
You’re Money?
You’re Money? Your money is taxed at high rates to pay for “What”? You are given a host of reasons that come down to a present conclusion you are now paying most of your money to pay for government
Wins Every Lottery
Wins every lottery. There is always a winner in every lottery —- the government!
The Best Place in the World.
The best place in the world. When watching T.V. you are told time and time again that living in Canada is living in the best place in the world. When you tour around the U.S.A. you are again told you