Elected by Majorities Ruled by Minorities Directed by Special Interest Groups Being destroyed by Multiculturalism Aided by bilingualism and immigration Aided by bilingualism and immigration
The magical first draft
The magical first draft. During the past centuries writers have complained bitterly about the amount of writer’s block that has frustrated them and reduced their writing output. Even today writers have the same complaint. With the arrival of the Internet
A Snobbish N.D.P.
Suggestions of merging the N.D.P. and the Liberal Party of Canada are usually met with indignant disdain by both parties. They protest and state that they have different viewpoints and emphases and thus could never and should never combine If
Gone With The Wynned
The 2014 Ontario election result has been described in many dire ways. One for example: “The general idea is that hell is one large expanse of space. The result of the 2014 Ontario election raises the idea that there are
Taxpayer’s Union Dues
In the present situation a person pays union dues to his union each month. This monthly amount is totalled to a yearly one and is then applied against his taxable income which is then reduced by this amount. This means
carbon tax:possible explanation
It is indeed a good measure of how people really view the pollution situation by their support for a carbon tax. Is it possible that the supporters themselves have polluted minds?